Disc Type

Disc Golf: Types of Discs

In Disc Golf there are 4 main types of disc classifications. Distance Drivers, Fairway Drivers, Mid-Ranges, and Putters. You can usually tell these different types apart by the sharpness of the edge and the thickness of the rim.

Distance Drivers

Distance Drivers are a lot like snowflakes in the sense that no two Distance Drivers are the exact same. With thousands on the market what makes these all considered Distance Drivers?                              

The speed of the disc is what determines its classification. Disc speed can be determined by the first number of the four flight numbers. If the disc does not have numbers, try looking up the name of the disc, or try and make an educated guess based on the rim and edge of the disc.

Distance Drivers are any disc with the speed of 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14. Now 14 is the highest legal speed in the PDGA but discs have been made up to 15!

Distance Drivers best and most loved quality is that they have the potential to go the furthest. One important note is that the speed of the disc basically means you have to throw the disc that hard to make that disc fly as intended. 

ex. If you throw a 9 speed and a 13 speed with the same flight numbers the exact same, then they will fly drastically different.

Fairway Drivers

Fairway Drivers are praised, especially by new players, for having great distance but also great control. This is why you may here the term Control Driver thrown around. It means the same thing. 

But what is the difference between Fairway Drivers and Distance Drivers?

The edge of the disc is slightly less sharp than the Distance Drivers. But more notably, the rim is much thinner which is what gives them a more comfortable feel to lots of players.

A Fairway Driver is any disc with the speed of 6, 7, or 8. 

For new players as well as seasoned players who don’t have crazy arm speed, you could find yourself throwing Fairway Drivers farther than you Distance Drivers. This is nothing to be worried about. This just means that due to your arm speed, fairways are optimal for you.

Mid Ranges

Mid Ranges have a majestic quality in their flight when thrown correctly. Often the last disc you throw before you putt, meaning these have excellent control. Due to the slower flight speed it is easier to shape and pinpoint your landing zone.

What speed is a Mid Range?

A Mid Range is any disc with a 4 or 5 speed. 

For a new player a straight flying Mid is the most important thing to have in the bag. Due to the disc being, slow any arm speed can use this. However, more importantly, when throwing a neutral Mid, it will tell you in its flight what you are doing wrong.


Putt and Approach

Putt and Approach, two very different things yet the two most important if you want to score well. The saying is in fact true. “Drive for show and Putt for dough.”

What speed is a Putt and Approach?
A Putt and Approach disc is any disc with the speed of 1, 2, 3, and 4. The 4 speed is almost always just approach discs. But any disc 1, 2, or 3 can and is used for putt and approach shots.
What is a Putter?

A putter is the disc you throw into the basket. 

What is an Approach?

A disc used to, as the name implies, approach the basket. Generally used when close to the basket, but not close enough to putt.

Why do these two get lumped together?
Most of the time putters and approach discs are the same. It can come down to personal preference. One persons putter can be another persons approach.


Unfortunately when you reach for a Utility disc you aren’t in a good spot. 

What is a Utility Disc?
A Utility disc has two very unique traits that makes them their own classification of disc. Their flight and their feel. Although these disc will fall into a disc type their flight is what stands out. These discs are either very overstable or very understable. And you can’t just make a disc fly very different and have it feel normal as well.  The second you put a Utility disc in your hand you should know somethings up.
Why would I have a Utility disc?
The unique flight means you can get out of unique spots. Just know you may not be reaching for these discs every hole, but a good saying for these is, you’d rather have one and not need one than need one and not have one.  Maybe you can’t get all your power into a forehand because your in the woods. If you have a very understable disc, you don’t need lots of power to get something out of it. On the other hand, if you need straight hyzer and there is a 40 MPH head wind, you are going to need to go as overstable as humanly possible.

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